Sunday, February 7, 2010

Eric Stepanian - Club Passim, Cambridge, MA - Feb. 3, 2010

Earlier this week, my wife and I went to see local singer/songwriter Eric Stepanian perform live at Club Passim in Cambridge, MA.  Usually, Eric Stepanian is the lead singer and one quarter of the Boston-based band Stepanian - my favorite local band.  While I'm not familiar with a lot of the local music scene, we saw Stepanian open for Bell X1 a few years ago at Paradise Rock Club and really liked them.  Since then, we've seen them live 3 times and it's always a great show!  They play rock/pop music and their most recent album, Wait Our the Rain (the LP), is really good as well. 

While this was Eric Stepanian's first solo show we've seen, it was no exception - it was great!  I wasn't sure what to expect from seeing Eric alone or what music he would play, but he played a mixture of Stepanian songs I was familiar with, new originals and even threw in a few eclectic covers (Bruce Springsteen and Lady Gaga).  Overall, it was just a good time and he sounded great.  He said he was going to be recording a solo album sometime in the near future, so now I'm really looking forward to it!

Opening for Eric Stepanian was Ben Carter, a local singer/songwriter who is also going into the studio in the near future.  I liked his set as well and would definitely see him live or pick up his cd in the future. 

You should really check out Stepanian if you get a chance - I'm sure you will enjoy!  Also, on a final note, if you are looking for a local venue to see some cool, small shows, you should definitely check out Club Passim!  They have good food and a great mission!